What is different in the remastered version of GTA 5?

Lots of things, including graphic upgrades, In-game cellphone cheats and also special bonus vehicle cheats.


How do I dial a cheat using the in-game cellphone?

Bring out the cellphone by press up on the d-pad on your controller, or by pressing either “T” or “Backspace” on your keyboard. After that go to your contacts list and press either X (for the Xbox version), Square (for the Playstation version) or “Spacebar” (for the PC version) to manually dial a number/activate a cheat.


How do I use the redial function on the cellphone to automatically activate the last cheat I used?

The redial button on the GTA 5 cellphone is “*”, on the cellphone’s keypad.


What is the d-pad?

“D-pad” means the directional pad on the console controllers.


How do I enter directions on my console controller?

Use the d-pad, not the analog stick.


Is there a money cheat for Grand Theft Auto 5?

No there is not.


Is there a spawn jet pack cheat in GTA 5?

Unfortunately no. There are no jet packs in GTA 5 at all.



Can cheats be saved (either into the cellphone or another menu)?

No, you cannot save cheats at all. You must manually enter each cheat every time you wish to use them.


I’m trying to enter a direction/button combination cheat, why is my cheat not being activated?

If you are using a button combination cheat, try entering it very quickly.


Why is my vehicle spawn cheat not working?

Vehicle spawns sometimes do not work if you are in a small/cramped/enclosed space. Try going somewhere where there is a lot of empty space and a relatively flat surface, and spawning the vehicle you want there. The vehicle needs space to spawn.


Must I enter the cheat during game play or while the game is paused?

Does not matter, either during game play or while the game is paused.


Can I use cheats in GTA 5 during a mission?

No you cannot. Cheats will become automatically disabled during any mission.


Can I earn Trophies or Achievements while using cheats?

No, the earning of Trophies or Achievements is disabled while cheat codes are active.


When I save my game, will any active cheats be saved too?

No, when you reload or restart your game, any cheats will be removed. Also always SAVE the game before entering or using any cheats.


How do I use the slow motion cheat?

You can enter the slow motion cheat up to three times in a row and each time will give you an increase in effect. Then if you enter it for a fourth time, the cheat will be disabled.


How does the change weather cheat work?

The change weather cheat rotates through different weather effects each time you use it. First is sunny, then clear, cloudy, smoggy, overcast, rainy, thundery, clearing and finally snowing.


How does the slow motion aim cheat work?

You can enter the slow motion aim cheat up to four times in a row and each time will give you an increase in effect. Then if you enter it for a fifth time, the cheat will be disabled.


How long does the invincibility cheat last for?

The invincibility cheat will last for 5 minutes.